oh no!!! only today have i seen the real extent of the eduardo's injury!
I mean, i've seen pictures from afar, but they weren't very clear, so i wasn't really that affected.
BUT! (and don't look if you've got fragile sensibilities)
I saw this!:

Man, was i horrified when i saw this! Poor Eduardo!
and that brave soul of his refused to take morphine to numb the pain
and forgives the guy who did it!
what a cool guy - get well soon!
Anyways, yesterday was a weird (but fun) day
we had service learning in the morning
nothing too taxing
then SEA history
and the K gave us carrots! literally
she gave us a carrot cake and a chocolate cake, and lots of chocolates, some stuffed into plastic carrot containers
now, wasn't that nice of her?
and then we went out to vivio to meet steph
dan, yeu keed, jerrald, zong ze and I
and jarred tagged along
t'was so awkward at first
you know how it is
(if you don't, read dan's blog - then you'll know how it is)lol
but lunch was the great equaliser
nobody was left waiting for anybody, which i'm sure the guys appreciate a lot
and food was great! we can all attest to that (except keed, who couldn't take two chillies)
hmm, isn't it weird that chillies are named as such, when they don't actually make you chill?
they do the opposite, which leaves me wondering...
was there a certain dry humour in naming the chilli such an ironic name?
moving on, then we left the guys at best dengki for more girl-shopping-issues
and they left early...
[hey, i just found out that jerrald reads this blog, so:
Hey there Jerrald! HI!!]
getting home on the bus was torture.
torture torture torture
[the repetition of the word "torture" in this stanza emphasises on what the poet want to put across to readers - that the bus trip was utter torture to her, and that it seemed repetitive and never-ending...]
i sat there under the cold air-conditioning for more than one hour and forty minutes
feeling bored out of my mind because i left my bloody ear-phones at home
and couldn't listen to my walkman! @%#& man!
and that was it.
i went to sleep without doing any work except on my coloursplash album
woohoo! collllourrrr- Sspelllasssshhhhhh!!!!!
[the poet uses onomatopoeia to emphasise on the sound that is created from a "splash", which suggests a kind of activeness from the movement and noise of splashing, and thus shows the poet to be excited about the coloursplash] <-- SHITE!
and woke up late; darn
somebody was weird today... was it because of yesterday?
i don't know, and frankly, stop sulking.