I always start tearing up whenever I visit the nicestplaceontheinter.net. I just get overwhelmed by the feeling of warmth and love that these strangers give me when they offer (virtual) hugs to other strangers around the world who need comfort. And these nice people who are unselfishly giving their hugs away could themselves be in need of comfort from others. A lovely cycle of giving and receiving. It's so nice to be connected to other people around the world in a positive, non-competitive, almost pure context. Nobody's expecting anything in return; they just want to offer something priceless to those who may need it. And a comforting hug is most definitely something that can mean the world to someone, and yet still cost nothing. ...The nice music helps too, I suppose lol.
tl;dr - Bahhh it's just me rambling aimlessly about this website that makes me feel better :)