another round of BPian idol... still very disappointed...
nevertheless, the experience was great, and now i'm all geared up for singapore idol!!
heheh... i noe. not funny. but still, i need a little pick-me-up. after the idol thing i had malay o-level oral... followed by english oral... they were all okay, i still can't speak malay, and i was offered a record deal.
Hah! bet you didn't see that comin, did ya? actually hai guang said something about me recording a single. of courselah, i kembang. i needed a compliment, u noe? after such a taxing idol experience (for the second time, i might add! and yet i didn't win again).
i finally wore something nice. although one of the judges did comment on my choice of footwear. can you imagine?! of all things to comment on (such as my voice quality, performance, etc, etc), she decided to comment on my slippers. they were quite nice u noe. mata rabun ah her.
some problems with my singing. i dunno. i keep getting mixed answers. like microphone too loud, song played too loud, my not being able to move around onstage because of being held back by the microphone stand.
nevermind lah. i'm so tired of this. performing was exhilarating even though my voice was shaking.
from my vantage view point behind the curtains onstage, i cld see HIM! yes! the bounce up him! so nice. i can just look out and there he is in the audience. but during my performance i didn't dare look at him. scared to see. later too nervous.
anyway, i was kinda afraid that someone in specific wld win. wat if he were to represent our school in the cluster idols? hisham even said that if he won, they were all going to bantai him. heheh. i feel so bad.
and i heard what some people in the audience said about me. wat did they mean by "menyampah! pakai baju pink konon. action arh tu". hello! pink clothes mean i'm action meh? wat if i liked pink ?(which i don't) who are you to judge my character from the colour of the clothes i wear?
i may seem a little bit like shooting my mouth off here. i'm just letting off steam. oral so stress. haish. anyway, i'm stopping here for today. this the chronicles of the alien chocolate girl, signing off.
(so lame! )
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