Sunday, August 19, 2007

yay! caught them fireworks on friday night!!!
altho... it was in the middle of a traffic jam
we were abit late (abt 15 mins before the fireworks were supposed to go off) just after praying
and got caught in a stupid jam going towards the marina bay sth or other
i tell u, every single vehicle was at a standstill
traffic was not slow-moving, or crawling, or even inching little by little; it was quite dead

9.15: by then, loads of people had gotten out of their cars and walked off into the distance to catch the fireworks
we remained in the car to accompany my dad (y? because my mum said so)
by then we'd given up hope of catching the fireworks and were planning to turn in to the expressway instead of continuing to marina
then we saw fireworks go off in front of our eyes (quite literally)
turns out we were near where one of the places the fireworks were to be launched
so after 5 minute watching from inside the car, everybody got out of their vehicles to ooh and ahh at the fyre beauties

my favourites were the really fine types
like gold dust or sprinkles of whatever
and they had jupiter-shaped ones!
my dad gave stupid names to the different types
like stardust or porcupine, or coconut tree
all quite self-explanatory
after the fireworks ended in a crescendo of red, gold and green starbursts,
suddenly traffic started moving
was it a miracle? were the fireworks the culprits of the jam? or stupid drivers who parked their cars in the middle of the road to watch the fireworks?

needless to say, drivers whose cars were way behind ours who had walked ahead to view the fireworks because their view had been blocked by trees began running back to their cars lest their car became the only non-moving car in the middle of the road

then saturday...
met syaz at woodlands station in school uniform at 9 am
to go to smu accountancy school's conference hall 2 for some mendaki club seminar
had breakfast at long john's first
saw two other saints there, out of the whole list that were supposed to be there
and had a bp reunion with siti (tjc), aisyah (ijc), zawiyah (pjc)
and while all of us (cept aisyah) were conversing during the tea break, the mayor of central cdc and the president of the mendaki club walked over
and talked to us
it was so uncomfortable; other kids had gone back inside, and still we stood there talking to these guys
they asked abt our aspirations, school, parents occupation, etc, etc...
haish... and all we wanted was to head back inside the hall
finally, syaz told them that we had to return to our seats, and they let us go

after that, lunch was at 2, so syaz and i ciao-ed to meet diana
briefly spoke with siti, and walked over to peninsular plaza to have our lunch
thought my pw meeting was at 4, not three
so arrived late at nlb (sorry, guys!)
found books, copied stuff
and went home

and that, my friends, was the summary of the last two days
would tell about the rest of the week, but seriously cannot remember them

toodles, then

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