Friday, March 07, 2008

gp paper
what can i say?
in fact, when have i ever said anything good after a paper?

of course, my reaction coming out of the examination hall was,
"uggghhh, lousy paper; wasted half-an-hour on one and half pages
before proceeding to start afresh on a new sheet of paper."

the next coherent thought i had was,
"phew! warm air, please!"
damn it was bloody freezing in there

i did my essay on success.
"Success is all human relations. Do you agree?"
or something along those lines

i'll let you know how it turns out
just remind me first

after that infernal affair was over,
time for lunch
yay! finally!
bones contracting due to coldness + empty stomach = not good

went for the first time to that cafe at the side
near mac's
the nine of us:
pat, dan, ly, jerr, jeremy, ze, bong, yeu keed and i
wasn't halal
so i had soup and garlic bread only
and an over-priced, $2.00 coke light
and steph came!!

went back to school
they were getting back their results
and i still had abominable sl stuff to pass to k

and then DFS tea time... the same cafe
which was fine, because they had activities to do there
had brownies with ice-cream
yum! and now i'm a debtor

and now i'm home
tuition in like, half an hour

(i think if i were someone else talking to me, i'd be irritated.
like poles repel.
lesson: i'll shan't ever find a boyfriend like me.
i'll either kill him, or kill myself.)

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