Wednesday, May 28, 2008

school was a total waste of time
happy birthday, jerrald!
but besides that...

i went to watch chronicles of narnia just now
love, love, love, love, loved it!
i really didn't want the movie to end

well, from the first movie,
i've always been intrigued by edmund from chronicles of narnia: the lion, the witch and the wardrobe
have always thought he was cute
even while others went crazy over peter
but now he's all grown up!
perhaps part of the reason i'm so in love with the movie is that i'm enamoured with him!

his name's skandar amin casper keynes
lebanese mum, english dad
funny thing is, he's the greatx5 grandson of CHARLES bloody DARWIN (?!!)
and his dad's the great-nephew of JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES!
and some other ancestor of his won some nobel prize
talk about an illustrious lineage, huh?

am so infatuated! haha
see yaz

there should be no school during the school holidays!
especially since going to school makes me not study, because i've already been to school!

anyways, monday... school...
and it was the return to the place we did our SL
to share our top prize money with them
$220 of Ben and Jerry's ice-cream! mua-ha-ha!
we bought 16 pints at cathay and hopped on a cab
and made it before anything melted!
very~ nice~!

tuesday... after school was AC perbayu play
sat under the open sky
watching traditional malay fables being acted out
leg got a cramp, but the show was interesting:)

today... bloody school again...
maybe i'll go vivo afterwards...

anyways, told pat i'd put up a video of nick pitera singing both the guy and girl parts in "a whole new world"
it's amazingly weird

gotta go school

Monday, May 26, 2008

i give up.
i seriously have.

can't continue till i have un-given up.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

just woke up after an entire day's sleep
i feel refreshed!

the last few days, i haven't really gotten much sleep
and yesterday -haha- yesterday was the absolute worst!
the 12 hour writing competition thing

school ended at 12, so i went home soon after borrowing a laptop from the school library
met andy along the way: other students don't even have to go school! unfair! *sulks*
anyways, got home, took a shower, then went out again at 4.30 to meet mum and dad for dinner
unfortunately, a traffic jam meant that i only reached potong pasir around 6.45,
so i bought a mcspicy meal, ate it in the car, finished an entire burger and fries in 12 minutes
and went to the meeting place
i could have come late! darn, totally didn't know
but at least i'd had dinner

anyways, the first four hours was slow
i had a story, just no idea how to make it into writing
if it had been a movie-making thing, i'd have all the ideas ready
but writing... i'm not so good at that
i bet mine's probably the worst prose entry...

we were ginven all these clues that we had to fit into our stories
made it harder

at 11, we had supper on the tracks
candlelit canadian pizza supper under the stars
we rolled around on the tracks after eating, gossiping, mostly
it really was nice lying down, looking up at stars

but 12 o'clock came
and we had to go back to our writing
from 12 onwards, i just sat in front of my laptop and typed away through the night
others went to sleep around 3, 4

jeremy, that drunk bastard, went to sleep the earliest
and woke up the latest
bloody thing made me so jealous, just snoring away in the corner while i had to stay awake and write

i had a nap from 5.30 to 5.50 thereabouts
and went back to typing
i tell you, my story must be the most boring shit ever
it's science fiction, and not really very well written
i just put in words for the sake of putting in words

anyways, showered after the thing was over, around 8.30
and went to mcdonald's for breakfast
mcGriddles! yum!
and i was like dead by then
hung around with rachel for a while
then took the bus home
i slept almost the entire way home on 966
got off the bus, lined up for bus 912, fell asleep while standing up (really!)
took the bus, slept all the way

then i reached home around 11.30
immediately fell on my parents bed
and didn't wake up at all till 8.30
it was so, so, so nice to sleep

still tired
maybe i'll go to sleep again
good night!


Thursday, May 22, 2008

- from the Institute for Stork Research and Science
Two different theories exist concerning the origin of children: the theory of Sexual reproduction, and the theory of the stork. Many people believe in the theory of sexual reproduction because they have been taught this theory at school. In reality, however, many of the world's leading scientists are in favor of the theory of the stork. If the theory of sexual reproduction is taught in schools, it must only be taught as a theory and not as the truth. Alternative theories, such as the theory of the stork, must also be taught.

Evidence supporting the theory of the stork includes the following:

1. It is a scientifically established fact that the stork does exist. This can be confirmed by every ornithologist.

2. The alleged human fetal development contains several features that the theory of sexual reproduction is unable to explain.

3. The theory of sexual reproduction implies that a child is approximately nine months old at birth. This is an absurd claim. Everyone knows that a newborn child is newborn.

4. According to the theory of sexual reproduction, children are a result of sexual intercourse. There are, however, several well documented cases where sexual intercourse has not led to the birth of a child.

5. Statistical studies in the Netherlands have indicated a positive correlation between the birth rate and the number of storks. Both are decreasing.

6. The theory of the stork can be investigated by rigorous scientific methods. The only assumption involved is that children are delivered by the stork.

btw, results of monday's finals...

Guys: winner- guy 10
second- guy 7 (?!!)
third- guy 3

Ladies: winner- girl 10
second- girl 8
third- girl 5


Saturday, May 17, 2008

monday was the rugby finals
us, against acsi
we lost to acsi, sadly...
but -damn!- a few of those acsi boys were fine
really fine
and most of them were huge
as in, way huger than most of our boys

anyways, yesterday was the pre-final show of that "dewa dewi" thing my brother entered
my brother didn't dance the bollywood dance yesterday =(
instead, they'd moved it to monday's finals
but they at least gave out the subsidiary awards,
after everyone'd strutted their stuff (and a few draggy performances by four akademi fantasia singers from malaysia)

nobody got more than two awards
some of the awards were misjudged, i felt
like, if you see the pictures below, Guy 1 won Best Smile (what smile?!!)
but i think Guy 3 should have won
oh well
my brother's Guy 9
he got the Best Physique Award- can't say i disagree heh heh
anyways, in his photo you can see his sunburn spots from training just before the shoot

other awards of the night:
Mr Photogenic- Guy 2
Miss Photogenic- Girl 4
Best Smile (female)- Girl 1
Mr Favourite (as in, most supporters)- Guy 5
Miss Favourite- Girl 7
Mr. Personality- Guy 4
Miss Personality- Girl 6
Miss Body Beautiful- Girl 2
Congeniality Award- Guy 10

seeyaz! (tmr, if you're going for the band concert)


Thursday, May 08, 2008

interesting day at school, today
went to school carrying the cheque to pay for a level fees
thought i'd done everything right- didn't forget anything, no due work to be done, shirt newly ironed, etc.

and then came the time to pass her the cheque
up shot her temper
faster than a rocket aimed at the sky
and she called us "pains in her butt"

ehk. not that it affects me much
but we did ruin her mood for lesson afterwards
poor class- we're all very, very apologetic that you guys had to go through that
being "despised" and all that
i'm sure you all are desolate because of that

however, i am not apologetic about whatever it was that made her so infuriated
really, tempers are there to be controlled, not to be given the freedom to rampage rampantly with unbridled rage
(notice alliteration of "r"? reflection of me scoffing at her lack of control, and thus mocking her; lol)

anger is not the problem here; it in itself does little harm.
But the problem here is her response to that anger
she lets it boil too quickly, and indulges it by raising her voice.
really. think about it. does raising your voice achieve anything?
it's supposed to scare the shit out of people, but to seasoned veterans like us, it does little
and so, i return to my point of what is achieved by the raising of your voice
it makes no difference
all you're doing is adding to noise pollution. that's it.

heh. i do sound a mite bitter, don't i?
it's just that i do not like being made to listen to screaming in the morning
not when i've "had my morning coffee" yet
and over something that actually has no consequence- over a nonentity of a mistake
that has no detrimental effect

thus ends today's post.
maybe today was karma for a very funny story i wrote yesterday
who knows?
good night all ;)


Sunday, May 04, 2008

finally had a mcgriddle breakfast! yum!
instead of the usual muffin bread, it uses something that tastes and looks suspiciously like pancakes doused in syrup
and it tastes great!
because it's both sweet and savoury

before i go, here's a cute picture
i was sad when thierry henry left arsenal,
thought i'd miss him loads
but apparently the feeling's not reciprocated

henry having a merry good time with his new best friend

see ya!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

watched our girls soccer team beat rjc yesterday at kovan field
irritating mrt guy told us it was at srjc
so we walked all the way there, past florence road and lim ah pin road and all the rest
we bloody memorised road names to get there!
and when we arrived, we didn't see anybody at srjc's field

we did make it in time for the second half of the match, after a stopover to get coke light (dan) and a double choc frappe (me- yum!)

after the match, i went off for bowling
while dan went back to toa payoh
paid $14 (not worth it) to play for one and a half hours
while trying to study in between half-hearted rolls of the ball

(haha can't believe the school wants to send people like me for competition!
can you say embarassing?)

went home, slept till 1.30 today
lifeless, much?
