monday was the rugby finals
us, against acsi
we lost to acsi, sadly...
but -damn!- a few of those acsi boys were fine
really fine
and most of them were huge
as in, way huger than most of our boys
anyways, yesterday was the pre-final show of that "dewa dewi" thing my brother entered
my brother didn't dance the bollywood dance yesterday =(
instead, they'd moved it to monday's finals
but they at least gave out the subsidiary awards,
after everyone'd strutted their stuff (and a few draggy performances by four akademi fantasia singers from malaysia)
nobody got more than two awards
some of the awards were misjudged, i felt
like, if you see the pictures below, Guy 1 won Best Smile (what smile?!!)
but i think Guy 3 should have won
oh well
my brother's Guy 9
he got the Best Physique Award- can't say i disagree heh heh
anyways, in his photo you can see his sunburn spots from training just before the shoot
other awards of the night:
Mr Photogenic- Guy 2
Miss Photogenic- Girl 4
Best Smile (female)- Girl 1
Mr Favourite (as in, most supporters)- Guy 5
Miss Favourite- Girl 7
Mr. Personality- Guy 4
Miss Personality- Girl 6
Miss Body Beautiful- Girl 2
Congeniality Award- Guy 10

seeyaz! (tmr, if you're going for the band concert)
us, against acsi
we lost to acsi, sadly...
but -damn!- a few of those acsi boys were fine
really fine
and most of them were huge
as in, way huger than most of our boys
anyways, yesterday was the pre-final show of that "dewa dewi" thing my brother entered
my brother didn't dance the bollywood dance yesterday =(
instead, they'd moved it to monday's finals
but they at least gave out the subsidiary awards,
after everyone'd strutted their stuff (and a few draggy performances by four akademi fantasia singers from malaysia)
nobody got more than two awards
some of the awards were misjudged, i felt
like, if you see the pictures below, Guy 1 won Best Smile (what smile?!!)
but i think Guy 3 should have won
oh well
my brother's Guy 9
he got the Best Physique Award- can't say i disagree heh heh
anyways, in his photo you can see his sunburn spots from training just before the shoot
other awards of the night:
Mr Photogenic- Guy 2
Miss Photogenic- Girl 4
Best Smile (female)- Girl 1
Mr Favourite (as in, most supporters)- Guy 5
Miss Favourite- Girl 7
Mr. Personality- Guy 4
Miss Personality- Girl 6
Miss Body Beautiful- Girl 2
Congeniality Award- Guy 10
seeyaz! (tmr, if you're going for the band concert)
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