Saturday, September 20, 2008

yay i've got two movie dates to watch twilight!!
i'm afraid that's not enough, and i really can't wait for twilight the movie!!!

i know, i know, i've been ragging on some of the characters for not being perfect enough
but i still can't wait to see it on screen

yay yay yay
hope it comes out satisfactorily

and i like the peeps who are playing alice and jasper
they're so cute together
real chemistry, especially from their interviews together

can't wait can't wait can't wait


p.s. i seriously have nothing else to talk about, huh?
okay, let me try talk about something else...
*coughs* reading the history of malaya right now
not the official one, but one that recounts back to 1880
really interesting
like how the malay people came from central asia around 2000 bc
which is a really long time ago!
and the orang asli came way before that, spreading out even further to australasia and other islands
enough of history? no? want more?
umm, the mutiny in singapore by the 5th light infantry was in 1915, february, if i'm correct
they were supposed to be guarding the german pows since the WWI was going on

i guess that's enough for now.

twilight twilight twilight!

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