Friday, October 31, 2008

Today's Fact:
In 2001, 13.2 Million Americans Had Some Form Of Plastic Surgery.

just in case you wanna do an essay on artificial beauty, or love, or something

2 useless facts:

#1- Beetles Taste Like Apples, Wasps Like Pine Nuts, And Worms Like Fried Bacon.

this is good to know if hunger strikes while you're stranded in thailand...

#2- Queen Elizabeth I regarded herself as a paragon of cleanliness. She declared that she bathed once every three months, whether she needed it or not.

which is maybe why she's the virgin queen... nobody wanted to touch her!


p.s. history just... bleargh
i dreamt about vomiting whenever this other kid vomited
and kawmoora and manerplaw kept repeating in my mind throughout the night

childish, insolent people just get on my nerves.

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