First I had the EMAS/ MLEP 10th anniversary shindig, with Syaz and Diana. I only knew a few teachers there, and Shima (101! Old School!) but I had fun! We got to dress up (a little) in traditional Malay clothing, there was free lunch, and the choices of food was better than most weddings I've been to. But the best part was getting to sit and hang out with Syaz and Diana for more than 2 hours, which we've been finding hard to do ever since we left secondary school.
It finished around 5, and after a quick change of clothes, it was off to Orchard to meet Pat, and cab to Oosh where Borge's 21st was to be held. We met Dan and Steph near the entrance, and were led to where the party was.
First impressions were: Whoa, pretty ambience, what with the waterfall feature, and candles. And Borge's cute cousins laid colourful "Happy Birthday" confetti so prettily across the table. But again, the best bit was just being able to sit with friends for a few hours and talk and laugh while consuming food, which included Yuzu sorbet, chocolate gateau with green tea ice-cream and Borge's huge-ass chocolate birthday cake. Of course I'd remember desserts most!
Of course, my blog post wouldn't be complete without a few pictures of food. So here are a few that I whipped up (slowly and painfully) this past week:
Honey and Garlic Glazed Meatballs, that was featured in Readers' Digest this month.

Behold: Cheese!

Ate them in a pita bread with salad, red capsicum and mozarella. Yum! If you have store-bought meatballs, they're the easiest thing in the world to make.
I also tried Baked Stuffed Chicken Breast Tomato Casserole. Whew, that's a mouthful of words, but also a mouthful of good taste! -_-" It's combined from three different recipes, one for the stuffing, one for casserole sauce, and one for baked chicken.

I wonder what I'll make tomorrow. Maybe I'll just let my mother cook, while I try making dessert. Baked cheesecake, recipe from the Rachel Allen: Bake! show looks really easy, or I could try making chocolate rice pudding again, even though I'm the only one in my family who really likes it. Who could blame them? I like it probably because I made it.
Looks like the dieting wagon has well and truly left me in the dust. Oh well. Here's to more good food coming my way! Cheers!
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