Friday, October 31, 2008

Today's Fact:
In 2001, 13.2 Million Americans Had Some Form Of Plastic Surgery.

just in case you wanna do an essay on artificial beauty, or love, or something

2 useless facts:

#1- Beetles Taste Like Apples, Wasps Like Pine Nuts, And Worms Like Fried Bacon.

this is good to know if hunger strikes while you're stranded in thailand...

#2- Queen Elizabeth I regarded herself as a paragon of cleanliness. She declared that she bathed once every three months, whether she needed it or not.

which is maybe why she's the virgin queen... nobody wanted to touch her!


p.s. history just... bleargh
i dreamt about vomiting whenever this other kid vomited
and kawmoora and manerplaw kept repeating in my mind throughout the night

childish, insolent people just get on my nerves.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Today's Fact:
Two million girls and women are subjected to female genital mutilation each year.

ouch... but thankfully the prevalence of such practices, mostly in africa, are going down, albeit slowly, from 95% in 1995 to 89% in 2002

and how could i sign off without the usual
2 useless facts:

#1- Millie the White House dog earned more than 4 times as much as President Bush in 1991.

hahaha... apparently Millie published a book which earned her 540,000 pounds...

#2- rocks can grow!

omgosh! breaking news! but you still can't observe it. it grows only 1 millimeter every 1 million years...


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

[EDIT: I realised that i forgot to type in "porn"...]

Today's Fact:
Every Year, America Spends $10 Billion On Pornography, The Same Amount It Spends On Foreign Aid

which is... such a waste of money!!!

2 useless facts:

#1- Research indicates that mosquitoes are attracted to people who have recently eaten bananas.

Err... i guess that's good to know for future camping...

#2- The first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by Egyptians in 2000 B.C.

...which makes it a wonder how Cleopatra had only four children even after all that copulation...


p.s. did i mention, cleopatra's not even egyptian? before her, over 300 years of her family's rulers never knew how to speak egyptian. she was the first one.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

oh yea, and here's a new word i learnt from pat
and it describes what goes in at the malaysian-thai border that causes bilateral tension:



Today's Fact:
Every Week, An Average Of 88 Children Are Expelled From American Schools For Bringing A Gun To Class.

and of course,
2 useless facts:

#1- It was discovered on a space mission that a frog can throw up. The frog throws up its stomach first, so the stomach is dangling out of its mouth. The frog then uses its forearms to dig out all of the stomach's contents and then swallows the stomach back down again.


#2- 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 123,456,78,987,654,321

how cool is that?!


Monday, October 27, 2008

Today's Fact:
Singapore Has The World's 3rd Longest Life Expectancy, 2nd Highest Population Density and Lowest Infant Mortality Rate,

just for fun, thought i'd also post
2 useless facts:
#1: The Average Chocolate Bar Has 8 Insect Legs In It


#2: Right-Handed People, On Average, Live Nine Years Longer Than Left-Handed People

keed should be worried
but since it's a rock and thus not human...
guess keed's safe after all!


Sunday, October 26, 2008

omg omg omg
i doubt there's much time to go prom dress-shopping after A levels are done!
so i've been shopping around online
not that i'd buy anything so soon though...

how cute is this dress?! haha
it's a vintage, circa 1950s or so
i saw it a
but a lot of the nicer dresses there are already sold
i think the most expensive dress i saw there was about $1k?
i think it's either oscar de la renta or sarmi or chanel
but it's a great place for ideas if you're getting a tailor

anyways, GP is next week
so i thought i'd post a fact here everyday
for us to impress the examiners with (:

today's fact:
There Are 27 Million Slaves In The World Today



Saturday, October 25, 2008

STRAV!!! i'm in STRAV!!!!
and pat, dan, joel, jeremy and i are going to be the best band ever!!!

uncooked grilled chicken foldover from macs = food poisoning.



Friday, October 24, 2008

wickham duped elizabeth. poor darcy got implicated.
you just can't trust appearances.

so what am i?
i pray to god i'm not lydia!
or mrs bennet!
the horror!

but i wouldn't mind being mr bingley...


p.s. boy did buses suck today!
i got sick riding 966 backwards, since the bus was so jerky
so i took 187 at pat's bus stop
and the bus was still jerky
and swerved
and drove on the road shoulder in the jam
i remember the bus number

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

fina, fina, fina

ditcha know that fina is an international swimming federation?
probably did, right?

how bout that fina is a guitar?
maybe? yeah?

well, betcha didn't know that fina is a lubricant!
only for cars and metal parts and stuff
but how dirty it all sounds
but since fina is used for cars
there's a fina racing team!
so cool!

among other things, fina is also :
a financial software (uhuh)
a character in an RPG "Skies of Arcadia", with a pet that becomes a bracelet that she wears (haha)
a Croation financial agency
a north american forum on integration (uhh-kaayy)
part of an oil company (different from the lube)
and a saint!

yep, ladies and gentlemen
apparently, Saint Fina is/was a reality

now to get back to A&C
(because i slept from 6pm monday to 5 am tuesday)
(gosh what a snorlax!)


Saturday, October 18, 2008

omgosh omgosh omgosh
i'm freaking out!!!
two weeks
two weeks
two weeks!!!!!



Friday, October 17, 2008

*censored*! *censored*! aaahhhh!!!!!!
we're not supposed to go to school.....

i hATE you!!!!!


(yea, i'm feeling th resentment again... bleargh)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

another post; less indignant than the last. heheh.

Anyways, the Caesar of our imagination is hot. Mainly because he's young.
But if you see the depictions of him in statues and coins...
well, maybe it depends on your taste in men, but I don't think his looks could come close to o'erflowing the measure.

I'm not going to post pictures of his coins, because he's ugly on them. Maybe because coin-engraving technology was not so advanced then.

But since statues are much more accurate, that's how we'll judge his looks.
Ready? Let's go!:

Statue #1
He looks tall... muscular kind of big...
a passable face, maybe too strong a jaw...
his poor ears stick out a tad too much...
and we've got to do something about the nose...
otherwise, not up to par, but acceptable.

This one... ergh...
no body, so we can't judge the hawtness of the bod...
the chin is a leetle too fat... saggy cheeks too...
bulbous nose... fat cheeks...
ergh, sorry Dan, this Caesar's not hot.

Statue #3
Finally, Bachelor number 3. He's better looking than number 2, fer sher.
Okay chin... are those high cheekbones that I detect?...
straight nose, not bad... can't judge the ears though...
good, strong forehead, and the hair looks acceptable for a time when gel wasn't yet invented.
All in all, okay features, although to put them together may not be ideal.

Caesar is not hot. But I guess that's what imaginations are for (:

btw, i kinda like Lepidus! Poor guy was probably too soft for his own good.
Lucky guy got to die peacefully at around 77 years old,
which is more than I could ask for in a world where Antony killed himself and Octavius Caesar was evil.

bleh. now that i've actually done the paper, and deliberately tried to fail, i guess mock papers are not too bad.
guess i don't hate k so much now.

but i do hate the westboro baptist church!
i don't even think they're christian. (they're even condemned by mainstream baptist churches!)

they're hater-mongers! they're legally recognised as a hate group in the us!
they hate roman catholics, jews, muslims and gays- basically everyone else!
and they hate the chinese, mexicans, americans, british, swedes, canadians and irish!

but worst of all, they picket funerals of dead soldiers who came back from iraq.
their funerals! with signs that say "thank god for dead soldiers"!
how could they?! that's so mean! and evil!
and even the funerals of homosexual victims of murder!

they're eeevvvviiilllll, i tell ya. evil!
the vilest, most evil abomination ever!

i really am grateful to counter-protesters who chase them away or shield the community from these leeches.

i hate hateful haters!
and i guess i was a hater when i hated k. hand on my heart, my apologies.
but i really, really, really want to kill these people. *censored* hate-mongers!. ugh.

Editor's note: this post has been censored for decorous purposes
(and because the Editor realises how much more powerful *censored* is.
really, people imagine the most horrible things on their own that the author would never think of!)

*censored* K! *censored* K! Down with K! Down with K!

i HATE her. I HATE HER! I *censored* HATE HER!
DOWN WITH K! *censored*!

*censored* HER! *censored* HER!


wishing you a merry *censored* K-mas. *censored*!!!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

oh. my. gosh.
palin is the dumbest nitwit on earth!
and i'm sorry, keed, for comparing you to her, but she's even dumber than you!
and that's saying a LOT!

i know the whole of today, i've been saying "in what rresspeck, charrliee?" to imitate her silly interview
but watching more of such interviews online gives me a sense of hopelessness
like, i canNOT believe there are people out there who actually believe in her, and think she can help run the country!
what is going to happen to this world?!

let's look at it this way:
assuming mccain becomes president (and i hope not!)
if and when he dies (because he's ancient)
palin will take over as commander in chief
and she will run the u.s. of a!
and the rest of the world will die!
because i honestly believe she's worse than even bush!
obama, help us!!!

yup, this is it.
one of many infamous interviews
sealing her notorious stupidity in just a few badly chosen words
this one's with charlie, or charles gibson, on september 11 2008.
she sucks.

and this is a collection of many stupid answers.
it's a longer video
and it also includes the "in what rresspeck, charrliee?" interview

my gosh, watching palin is such stupefying entertainment.
but so funny!

pat and i came late for the econs lecture at 10
and then after an hour and 20 minutes of being restless
we walked through the rain to eat at macs
keed and jerrald got completely wet
so joel was happily left with the purple gay umbrella
while pat and i shared jerrald's umbrella

oh yea, pat finally climbed the rope thing!

and then we went back to the school library to study
before taking a break at three
to go drink teh ping and milo
and goof around in LT1

and then i went home
and left my phone in the car
i'm too lazy to get it now (at 5.50 pm)
so if i reply messages really late
now you know why

announcement: i'm not going for econs mock papers
just postmortem


p.s. i think i was super irritating to joe well today
not sure i regret it though
and doel, you'll see you IC chinaman face here soon!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

i told joel i'd post pictures of farewell assembly soon
so here they are, warts and all!
enjoy! (or not)

fina pat and liying, when i first took my camera out of the bag
(oh yah, and that's joel hiding behind us)

spasticity at it's best: here we are making our "points"

ah, yes, our family portrait of us making points

and more points are made

obviously, i hate jeremy because his hair sucks! fix it!

nahh, just kidding. i'm not that mad.
but the hair does suck

ugh. keed jerrald and joel are spastic. as usual.

keed finally took a respectable photo...

but it doesn't last long!

my SA family!
dan ignoring us doofus-es,
me pulling my brother's hair,
him being stupid,
my mummy looking pretty as usual,
dad... hmm,
and liying looking cute

jerrald's evil smile scares me

oh no! liying has the same smile! jk jk!

i tower over pat and liying! mua-ha-ha!

don't ask me what bong, zong ze and i are doing here. i have no clue myself

cheryl, amanda, bong, rachel, pat and zong ze

i sneaked a shot of yiqi while she was taking a picture of us

sad, spastic friends i have

jerrald being mao-ed by jeremy and zong ze

the three of us: me, roy, and his stupid smile.

nadrah and me!

man u and arsenal united! but only because cheryl's my friend!

borge, borge, borge. what else can i say?
i had to take this second shot because his head got cut off in the first one. haha!

rachel and me! i always scare her with lameness... i'm sorry!

me, debbie, and shauna!

making yiqi uncomfortable- yess!

elania, rachel tan and me!

the boy who never speaks! jenson

the majority of the male population of the class looking sad

neha and me!

my brilliant PW group leader, kellynn, and me!

my adopted literature G (group)! pat, joshua mok, and liying!

mok and me. he's still bitter about me being sidekick to his G.

jaime, nadrah and me!

mok, me, jaime, nadrah and roy who thinks we take H3 chem
jerrald in the middle of one of his tirades

presenting: jerrald as mr yoong!

twins bong and yeu keed. a step up from rock status for keed, but an insult to bong. haha

and these three are just sick!

GP ppl: pat, mr randhir, keed, me and liying

and us after the raya dinner. hey, who invited the rock?!!
jk, jk! -or am i?

that's it
i hate uploading pictures. it's so much hassle!


Friday, October 10, 2008

out with seong koon yeu keed
and in with yeu man!!

we had a scintillating chat with keed's younger brother at macs this morning
and we found him to be smarter than that rock of a non-human

he's such a brilliant boy, yeu man is
we learnt so many new and interesting from "doctor lurrrve"

and today's pearl of wisdom from the respectable mr seung koon yeu man is:

No Joke No Fun
No Fuck No Son

so funny!
and he said it so fast and so naturally too

we haven't told keed yet that we're breaking up with him
replacing one seung koon with another
we're gonna do it soon



(do we really mean it, guys? breaking up with keed? haha!)

p.s. the silly republicans are getting their panties in such a twist
over an un-retouched picture of silly palin on the cover of newsweekwhile the economy is going down the drain?
they're all so petty!
they keep ranting on about sexism against palin as a woman
and they're complaining that newsweek are being unfair to her as a woman because they're showing her pores and wrinkles and stuff
what hypocrites!

they're also complaining that obama's pictures are all re-touched

look at him! i know the one with the sunlight looks nice,
but you can see his pores in every other shot
by newsweek!
so wtf is fox news complaining about?
newsweek aren't being liberalist in this sense

plus, fox news is an extremely right-wing "news" (my ass!) channel
so it's like a pot calling the kettle black


p.p.s. my arsenal stuffed key chain tore!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

haha angry german kid
(just an actor, though)

this blog site's 300th post
and how fitting it is that it marks the end of official classes in saintandrewsjaysee

... forEVER!!!

i felt a little sentimental, after my last saints class of forever
(math! how unfortunate- and two hours of it!)

we were walking slowly through the corridors afterwards to head down to the caf
and that was when it finally hit me: it was my last walk in school on a structured timetable-ed day

how weird
it's officially the last day of being confined in any structured institution ever!

sure, we have lectures and mock papers in school still after this
some are voluntary consultations and lectures
but some are "compulsory" lessons that actually aren't
because these teachers are no longer in charge of us anymore
and them being bitches is not reason strong enough to attend if we don't want to
and if we don't feel like being there, then certainly we won't be receptive to any information they're trying to stuff into our ears
so what's the point?

tomorrow is gonna be so cool
because it's the farewell assembly
and my house is going to be overrun with people minus germy bong and ze
including my sister's friends and the house agent who postponed tonight's visit
so my mum's gonna cook like mad!

and we're getting our class video tomorrow
which will be interesting
wonder what stupid pictures of us will be posted... ?


Sunday, October 05, 2008

this past week, i've been raving to pat and jerrald about this beautiful boy
(because they were the only unlucky ones around lol)
and i don't mean beautiful in that he's the very quintessence of masculinity
no, i mean it in the sense that he is probably prettier than any other girl in the world
i'm serious!

not that i have a crush on him or anything,
but i am in awe over his supreme prettiness, that has never existed in any guy i've seen before, that i just have to make this face known to others

without further ado, i present to you
the most beautiful boy in the universe:

his name is bill kaulitz, lead singer of tokio hotel
he's 19 this year

he wears makeup all the time, accentuating his pretty doe-eyes
and huge anime-hair

and i'm so jealous that he's prettier than me!
(and you should be, too!)

such an androgynous-looking dude
but the girls all go crazy over this one!

that's him at 13 years-old
looking as pretty as ever

possibly the prettiest, most beautiful child i've ever seen in my life
i want that face for my daughter!

and this is his identical-twin brother tom, who's hotter
but i betcha he'd be just as beautiful if he had the same hair and makeup!

that's enough pretty faces for this blog post
aren't you jealous already?
