== Thursday ==
Thursday was the day two of my cousins who are visiting from Ozzieland stayed over at my place, as well as the day Pat and I went cycling at East Coast (again, I know haha). I'm sure I don't have to reiterate which sport is the world's greatest, so I'll just skip that part. It was fun as usual, and we cycled uphill that time, so we got more of a work-out.
Then I got a lift from Pat to Eunos Station in her cab as she was heading to Paragon, so I could get to my grandparents' place. I hung out with my two cousins Siti and Amalina while waiting for my parents to fetch us, and together got hooked on the sci-fi series Kyle XY. I swear, this is the funniest sci-fi show I've watched in a long time, only because Kyle, this inexperienced super-human, has no memory even though he's really smart, and his learning journey in the outside world reveals so much humour in the little things we take so seriously everyday. I used to think the show was silly, only because I thought Kyle looked weird. But he seems acceptable now that I know why he's weird. Haha.
We had dinner at PIzzahut, shopped at Cold Storage for a while, amd watched American Idol and a movie or two into the night. Then it was bedtime.
== Friday ==
My sister took an MC on this day. How coincidental and fortuitous (I remember how much the K loved using this word on us) that she became free to hang out with us on this day! We just lazed around in the morning: watched a movie (Yes, another one! You'd be surprised how many movies we watched before the end of their stay!), lunch at the KFC across the road, and then accompanying the sick invalid to the polyclinic for an MC. We spent the rest of the afternoon doing god-knows-what (really, I don't remember), and then it was off to the Singapore Night Safari at 7.30! Finally! 18 years in Singapore, and only now do I get to experience this tourist trap! At $32 per pop, it's expensive, but still fun. We took a tram ride, and waved at passing employees, before ending our visit at the animal show which was a bagful of laughter. You gotta love them otters! Dinner was at Woodlands Old Town, before another round of movies and then sleepytime.
== Saturday ==
Another lazy morning, watching American Mall in the morning before even showering, and by the time we did, it was lunchtime. We had spaghetti, yumm, and then we went to Plaza Singapura to watch the Haunting of Molly Hartley. It was an okay horror film, with cheap tricks to shock people, like a crow flying by suddenly, but I did scream once. A low, barely audible scream, but a scream nonetheless. Time waiting for my parents to pick us up was spent exploring Spotlight and "Made with love", that scrapbooking store, where we bought knitting materials and buttons and ribbons and stamps. It's so much fun to waste money! Hahaha. The rest of the night was spent teaching Siti how to knit and watching yet another movie (8 Mile, this time).
Shite, I fell asleep before my Arsenal match began! And they won 3-1 this time round, too! Shite luck...
== Sunday ==
Yup, you guessed it, a lazy morning. We watched episodes of Kyle XY online at projectfree.tv, which is a superbly simple website to use, I wonder how I never found it before Amai introduced it to me. My cousins had to return to my grandparents' house though, and the whole extended family congregated there just because. No reason.
== Monday ==
My first real free morning, which seemed nonexistent to me because I woke up at the ungodly hour of 1 pm only because I had nothing else to do. I spent the rest of the day doing nothing productive, and instead watched Kyle XY on the internet. That's all worth typing.
== Tuesday ==
I went with Pat to East Coast again, for a nice walk on the literally abandoned beachfront. The sky was blue, sun blazing, sea gently lapping a turqouise memory on the dazzlingly pearl white sand... (my bad attempt at poetic words) It really looked like we were on a beach in Bali or some other beach paradise, considering ow clean and perfect the beach looked. We walked all the way to the East Coast Food Centre, where there were sandcastles built nearby. Not all were finished, but the ones already in existence made for beautiful shots.
== Wednesday ==
Bugis-trawling with my two cousins again, while everyone else is at school. We reached Bugis around 11, so not all stalls at Bugis Street were open. But the lack of a crowd meant that we were okay with that. We walked to OG, mainly for the air-conditioning, and excitedly went up to the toys section. We spent about half an hour, all of us in our teens (although they look young, my cousins) sitting at this tiny table fiddling with Lego pieces. I built a house! Yess! Pwnage! And it would look exactly like the picture on the box if not for the lack of blue pieces. Darn.
We were having dessert at Macdonald's, when I spotted two familiar heads across the square at Starbucks. Lo and behold it was Rachel and Jeremy! I had a little chat with them before returning to my cousins, but they remind me of the one reason I miss SAJC: the people (some anyways).
== Thursday == /Today
I had to wake up early again today, because my cousins' family nicely invited me along to Johor. Again, the reiteration that doing anything outdoors on a school morning is fun because nobody's around! Three shopping malls in one day, Baskin' Robbins ice-cream treat, and we watched Inkheart which was a nice family fantasy movie. Lunch was Nando's Chicken, which was super mega tasty because I ordered the Extra Hot flavours. But I didn't sweat. How disappointing.
We came back to my place bearing doughnuts and Secret Recipe cakes, and then they went home. (I got myself a Maybelline smooth shadow pencil in gold, which looks cool! Now, if only I could find white eye liner...)
So that has been the week in the longest brief recap I've ever typed. I feel awfully guilty for not working, and pledge to find a night-shift part-time job starting next week. This week, though, belongs to family, cos I'll be spending time almost everyday with them until Monday.
I hope I'll see my other friends soon though! Good night!
p.s. long overdue pictures of Pat and I when we watched Twilight for what was supposed to be my third and last time.
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