Thursday, May 28, 2009
I'm finally starting to feel accomplished about this Perth trip! I just booked my return flight home from Melbourne on Tuesday. The date's set at 13th July, since my parents want to pick me up in KL. This means I've saved about $300, since I'm flying budget. Looks like I'll have enough money for accommodation, transport, flight, food, shopping AND skydiving! Yay! Now I just need to see if skydiving is cheaper in Perth or Melbourne.
Pat, Dan and I also finally booked accommodation. In a backpackers' hostel of course, but with en suite bathroom, I think it's a great deal. Anyways, we'll try not to stay in too much, so what's the point of a nice, expensive hotel room? Students' budget!
And visas have been booked. Only flight insurance left, but I'm leaving that to my dad. Booking everything else has been tiring haha.
Like Pat, I've been getting to know the Korean language. Everyday during lunchtime, I watch one old episode of "Let's speak Korean" (I'm on episode 5 right now). And I've been memorising the alphabet system, and copying down characters again and again everyday, so now I can write just about anything in Korean! Reading it is easy too, but I'm very slow. I think it's a LOT easier than Mandarin characters, since an alphabet has one sound, and a consonant + vowel + consonant = 1 syllable. It's like English! Except... there's no character "f", so my name's Sa Ra Pi Na. Doesn't look very nice... Haha. I'm still a LOOOOONG way off from actually speaking Korean, so maybe I'll have to wait till I'm on episode 80 or something =D
Annyeong haseyo! Jeo neun Sarapina imnida. Singgaporeueseo waseupnika. Hak saeng imnida!
Hello! I am Syarafina. I am from Singapore. I'm a student! (Well, will be in August)
Okay, that's all for today. Annyeonghi gyeseyo!
fin* (I refuse to write Pina!)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Who Let You Go.
A treat for Pat: Kyu Jong from SS501 (i think that's how his name is spelt...) acting in some lady singer's video

Where The White Boys Dance.

Junho's a '90 baby, and he looks like Rain. I think he has a much more controlled voice than both Jaebeom and Junsu, and he's one of the better dancers of the group. Unfortunately, in Idol Army, he's rejected by almost ever single girl/ guy group, poor guy. But he has a good humour about that. And he has random outbursts of English, which some Netizens have commented sounds like he's imitating Rain's English.

Chansung's the maknae (baby/ youngest) of the group, a Feb '90 baby, but he somehow looks the oldest haha. His 182 frame certainly does contribute to that image. He looks macho-est, but he's realy goofy, and loves to eat aLOT. He looks a lot better since he's cut his long hair, and he's my sister's fave 2PM member. Always bullied by the guys haha.

Taecyeon is the tallest, and is from Boston, which he moved to when very young. Born in 1988. He looks like my brother when he smiles with the large teeth he has, which is a little disconcerting for me. Darn that brother of mine, because I really like Taecyeon. He raps, along with Chansung.

Nichkhun's born Thai, but LA bred. His Mum's Chinese, while his dad is Thai, but with brown hair he looks somewhat Eurasian. With black hair though, he looks more Asian. Like Taec, he was born 1988. He's considered the cutest of the group, with a baby face and smiley eyes and baby-buttock skin (haha). He is a girl magnet, and the arguably the most recognised member of the group. Remember the Idol Army mission that I talked about? Everyone else wasn't recognised at all (since they debuted just last year), Jaebeom was recognised after maybe 7 minutes, and Taecyeon didn't take part. All Nichkhun had to do was step out of the bus, and in 3 seconds girls came running towards him! Wooyoung had to plead for food, and Jaebeom had to sing for a discount, but Nichkhun automatical got two free pieces from the aunty because he's "so beautiful!". How unfair is that? Haha He's near the bottom cos even though he's cute and funny, I don't think he dances or sings particularly well.
Junsu's (child of '88) face I didn't like as soon as I first saw their music video, but watching Idol Army, he's growing on me. The boys tease him alot because they say his head is so big haha, and he's probably the least attractive of the boys, but he's funny. And his face was so funny in the SHINee (another Korean boyband) episode of Idol Army, when he was blowing the ping pong ball. He's considered the best singer of the group, but he sometimes lacks control and goes flat or sharp sometimes in ballads. But he seems like a nice guy.

So that's a 2PM intro. I love them! More bands probably coming up. Maybe I'll do 2Am next.=)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Andy, You're A Star.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I'm Korean crazy, but that's not where I'm going. Tickets have been booked, and I'm going to (drumroll please):
Perth and Melbourne!
Weee! First to Perth with Pat and Dan, then when they fly home, I'll fly to Melbourne to see my much-missed cousins.
Of course, I'm paying for everything on my own, which means all my pay between 13 April and 19 June will go towardss this trip. My dad's paying 168 for my return ticket from melbourne, but only because my budget was 600 for that, and that would mean transiting at KL, which my parents don't want me to do.
I'm so excited! It feels so final now that tickets are booked. =)
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
A lot more points for me to talk about just bubbled to the surface on my bus ride back to the station. A lot! Like, did you know that Sweden recently became the seventh country in the world to legalise same-sex marriage? Or that I actually have a lot more questions to ask the lecturer than I thought? I actually (initially) told her I didn't have any questions for her, and then thought up some stupid questions on whether the course covered a wide range of topics, even though I'd told her at the beginning that what I liked about sociology was its wide range! I'm such an airhead!
Well, afterwards, after calling up a few people to whine to and hear reassuring words from, I went home to numb my mind with chicken rice, bubble tea, and a few hours of Korean dramas which I'd recorded but hadn't had an opportunity to watch. I'm almost fully recovered, even though I had my depressed "world-is-ending" face on the whole MRT ride home. Gonna go home after this and watch more. (I'm at the library at the moment.)
Seeyaz! fin!