Eotokke??!?? Thank goodness I'm not presenting tomorrow, but still... doesn't bode well for future presentations...
Monday, August 31, 2009
OMGOSH!!!!! I am absolutely tearing my hair out over this week's readings!!! Particularly HS 102! Killer... All over 10 pages, one with 23 pages, all in difficult language that I can't begin to comprehend. Whatever happened to English? It is definitely possible to convey complex ideas in simple English, so why are they trying to cause murders with their words?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Isn't it sad that less than a month into uni, I already know this is just another one of those things in which I will not do well? The other two were... oh, let's see, secondary school and JC. But this is worse, because they don't "spoon-feed" us. I like to think, but never critically. So when all they do is ask questions, that leave me looking at just a question mark, it's perfectly understandable for me to be worried. I want answers. When I was in secondary school and JC, I could barely do well even when I was being given answers. So how in the world am I expected to succeed here?
This comes after two days that have included three tutorials and two lectures (well, I haven't watched the third one), in which I find my interest waning during lectures, and being rendered speechless in tutorials. Especially HS 103. I doubt anyone from that class except perhaps Pat will be reading this, but I apologise anyways, because the class is seriously dead. Every facet, not just the topic. I could feel my brain cells floating up with all the question marks nobody's bothered to answer, and wither sadly in the air. Pat and I have made a pact to speak up in every single tutorial, so of course we said something each. Beyond that, however, I could feel no comprehension nor stimulation happening in this thick skull of mine. Eoteoke?
Well, perhaps in anticipation of needing consolation at the end of today, yesterday Pat and I had planned to watch UP! today. And our new friend Jennifer came along too. UP! rocks! Like, seriously! I know it's just a cartoon, but it was so sad I could count at least four different occasions during the movie when I cried. Not shed a tear, but cried. It's not supposed to be a sad movie. In fact, it was downright hilarious at most parts. Perfect comedic timing and all. But the parts that were there to invoke sympathy just left me bawling my eyes out. PMS; don't worry about it. But even without PMS I would probably have shed tears, because the scenes and music were designed to break your heart without needing much dialogue. UP! is definitely a must watch for anyone - funny parts for the kids, funny and sad parts for babies like me. <3<3
Yesterday, at Syaz's invitation, Diana and I attended NUS' Malay Language Society's Iftar, which means "eat" in my understanding (lol). Saw many familiar faces from BP, as well as older brother's friends. Plus, my cousin attended too. Seriously though, how much ulu can NTU get? I realised that the appropriate answer is: A LOT. Because I took one and a half hours to get from that function room in NUS to my hostel bus stop. And Boon Lay isn't even that far from Clementi! I arrived at the hostel at 11, to find water everywhere because apparently there'd been a water fight with pails of water. Glad I missed it haha! (Shyness is such a bane T_T)
And so here ends my rant against my own state of "lack". There will be more, rest assured - I was born this way, and will probably remain this way forever, so there'll be plenty more reasons for me to complain about myself.
did i mention,
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
What's uni life all about? It's all about being scared shitless
Go to lecture, have brunch, answer the questions that are part of your readings and then find out it's redundant...
Go back to your room, watch Korean variety shows for an hour, have dinner, do readings for an hour or two, wile the rest of your night away on forums while waiting for the right time to fall asleep.
Is it really supposed to be as mindless as this? Granted, most of it's my fault since I can't muster up enough brain power to make sense of my readings, or enough motivation to look for more things to study.
I miss home, I miss the FUN mindlessness (because it's at least entertaining) that goes on at home, the seemingly-wasteful interactions with other family members which actually serve to make your feel comforted and at ease.
I'm glad my family's been calling to check up on me on the nights I've actually stayed in. And Pat's called too =)
So emo... one more minute till ten. I think that's a good enough time to start preparing for sleep. Packet Milo and yum bar for breakfast again, it seems haha.
(Readings scare me so much! As do essays... Aigo...)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Here's a picture of my room:

Haha yup, I brought my cheetah with me. Along with that hige red cushion, that red bolster, and two pillows. How over-packed am I? Haha
Oh yea, not to mention the cereal, breakfast bars, baby biscuits, instant noodles, mini snacks, packets of vitasoy and milo, ovaltine, and a few boxes of pills in case I get my usual runny nose.
There're lots more things, but too many that I'm too lazy to type it all out. Dang am I bored! Should do readings now...
I wonder how well I'll sleep alone tonight in this strange place...
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Omo, I'm almost hyperventilating because Lee Junho,
the actual Junho from 2PM, updated his twitter while I was online!!I got a shock when I saw that his twit was only a minute before i came online. It's so cute how he uses "yo" a lote haha.
I naively replied, thinking I'd be the first fan, but no, turns out there are just as many lucky girls/ fanboys out there... oh wellz.
The screen-capture was way after the first tweet, 'cos I'd already logged out, and logged back in to capture this historic moment when a 2PM member actually starts twittering continuously. Ohh... now I'm never logging out of Twitter in case Jay, Woodong or Taec goes online. AAAHHHHHHHHHH: totally fangirling.

what's even better is that he updated with pics!!! Omo...

Friday, August 07, 2009
Yay I passed my basic theory test!!!! Now I'm only left with the Practical and Final Theory. ... =(
Tip: One-time proper studying should be enough. Mind you, I said PROPER, especially if you're a ditzy forgetful person like me. 369: 3 metres away from hydrant, 6 from traffic junction, 9 from bus stand. Red triangle= warning, red circle= prohibitory, blue circle= mandatory. Driver must ALWAYS give way. Full stop.
Tomorrow I collect keys to my room at Hall 9, NTU. ... Really don't want school to start.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Yesterday, I realised something: I am so not ready for school! The freshmen welcome ceremony was held yesterday, so i got to see who my classmates were. They all look way more prepared than I am, a lot more serious and nicely dressed (of course I wasn't). Pat looked great too, but as we were laughing and talking in the LT, we turned to look at everone else, and nobody looked like they were having fun. It was daunting. HELP!
Anyways, I must be one of the greatest procastrinators of all time! I haven't blogged about, nor posted any pictures of, my trips to Sri Lanka and Australia. I was going to do it last week (really, I was!), but with the funeral and all... Haven't been in the mood.
So let's just take this slowly, and start with my cousin's wedding nearly two (two!) months ago. 6th June, I think, and I remember because it was the day of Singapore Idol auditions!

As you can clearly see, I have a lot of pictures, so I lumped a few pics together.

My brother was Mr Popular on that day, since he's the only male cousin who isn't still in in secondary school or lower.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
This past few days has been quite the rollercoaster ride. But although some parts were especially sad, at least the entire family (except my brother who's stuck in Germany) was able to be together for a few days. My cousins from Melbourne flew in on such short notice, arriving on Friday morning even though they got the news only Thursday evening, and they flew back yesterday. We got to finally visit the grave too, on Sunday. May he rest in peace.
On another note, I took the Basic Theory e-trial tests, and I passed both, so I'm feeling quite good about the real test. I'll try to book it for this Friday, otherwise I'd have to wait till 14th August. Loooonnngggg wait. I really want to pass!
There was this tee shirt that I bought from Melbourne, which says Pop Art, and costs about SGD24.00. I really liked it, but I think I'm not fated to wear it. The first time, I spilled iced Milo on it and the stain wouldn't disappear for a whole week and a half. My mom finally got it out, but the colours got faded. The second time I wore it, (yup, even though the colours are faded) I spilled chocolate gelato ice-cream on it. WHY??!!!! (oh yea, and I spilled the ice-cream everywhere around Ion and Wheelock Place) I got it cleaned with bleach, but I don't know how the tee's holding up. =(
did i mention
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