Wednesday, August 09, 2006

hmm... on 25th august RI is putting up some show, and haz wants me to go with her
shd i go?
cos if i go, diyanah goes

on that day, i'm supposed to have bio prac

anyway, i'm here yet again to lament on all the irrational things that adults do

like, even if u're angry, can't u at least be sensible and think about what will work best?
because the way i see it, ur way, the way u insist on going,
is very likely not going to benefit us in the sense that we won't be able to do all the things we want to do (and would get to do if u'd decided on the other way)

i noe, i'm not making much sense
but all that was written is just to release my angst into the internet-ocean which u happen to be surfing right now
a way of anger management, if u will

and boy, do i seriously need anger management

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