Sunday, February 03, 2008

hmm, after my post this morning, i seem to have forgotten what i wanted to write as my answer...

well, it was something along these lines: ever since this teacher became our CT, i've started to become angrier and angrier and angrier. dealing with this person has somehow made me more bitter and more prone to show my anger - within school! never before have i ever been this angry this frequently in school.

I remember in secondary school, my friends said that i just somehow couldn't get angry. and it was kinda true. i just seemed to be able to tolerate things better than most people could. but now... now my patience has snapped. i'm not able to take anymore crap while keeping quiet. i have to find a way to let it out.

and i have. through something so mischievously juvenile and childish- but still a stress reliever. and i've come under fire for it - by someone i feel is kind of hypocritical himself (but it's not up to me to tell him) - but it still is the only way i can stop myself from being angry all the time, and feeling bad all the time.

there. that's the gist of it, i think. wow, has it been so nice to write that all out.


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