Monday, August 18, 2008

i really, really, really dislike the new principal.
i really do.
her patronising lack of trust, which has in fact been detrimental to my studies in that i can't get any actual studying done, really gets to me,
especially since i cannot do anything about it.

absolutely nothing. zilch. nada. zero.

i can choose to skip school, devote my time to studying, whilst getting an earful of shit from that particularly notorious tyrant.
or i can go to school dutifully, come home late, be too tired to study, flunk Prelims, and still get an earful of shit, albeit perhaps from a different source.
either way, it's a lose-lose situation.

i freakin' hate this.

what sparked this off, at so late a time as 12.55 in the morning before the school week starts?

besides reading dan's blog post, which i agree with wholeheartedly, i read the letter that the school administration sent to every one of our households for our parents to read and sign.
yes, sign.
like we're bleeding 10-year-olds that need to be supervised in things that have a bearing on our futures.
yea, yea, we know; we get it.
A levels are coming, it's time to get serious about our futures.
we know, because what's at stake is ours.
we don't need power-crazy people demanding that we study the way they prescribe, because we've been doing it for the last 11 years.

and, lest we forget, how can i not mention the fact that most of our papers are freakin' before the one week holiday?
how in the universe are we to study with classes going on, pray tell?
especially with classes going on till 7 in the bleedin' evening?

bah bah bah bah.
the aforementioned "bah"s are there as substitutes to vulgar words that i otherwise would have used.
but i've decided to refrain, and to be a lady despite the "bleedin's" and the "freakin's" that's i've let slip past me.
because it is 1 in the morning, and i shall need to catch some sleep.

one final bah.
good night.

stickin' it to the man passively in a blog entry that will make no discernible difference

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