Thursday, June 03, 2010

Another long break between posts, and here I am, back at the blog. I suppose that is the theme of this entry: LOOOOOOOOOOONG breaks! I'm so glad that NTU vacay is so long. It looked like I'll have too much time on my hands, but strangely enough I don't feel bored or unfulfilled. And it's June already, so I can feel my holiday period slipping through my fingers. One month of holiday has passed, which means I only have that much time left before killer second year begins. TT_TT I don't want it to end so soon!

I'm beginning to think I won't work at all this vacation. Perhaps spend three days a week at my mum or granddad's store, earn a little extra petty cash. I love being able to be at home, see my mum and sister and dad, and now, brother, everyday, and trying to cook stuff up for them that they wouldn't otherwise be able to eat. I don't relish the household chores, but I feel at peace doing them. I don't loathe them with a passion like I did before. I'm taking life easy now, and I like it.

On another note, my cousin's wedding just passed, which means three days of "rewang" or "gotong-royong" (helping out) is done. My cousin and her new husband look so cute together, and he looks nice. I killed my feet wearing the Guess shoes I bought for prom in '08, because I had to be on my feet nearly the whole day on Sunday, but they look rad! (and LOUD!)

Tuesday 1:00am my brother came back into the family's loving arms (and I mean this quite literally). We had supper/ breakfast at Simpang Bedok till 2.30am. Noone attended work or remedial classes that day. I woke up at 1pm (since I'd slept at 6am), and then we spent the day at my grandma's. It's almost like my brother has been here the whole time. Strange.

He brought me soo many keychains that I moved my collection to a shoebox. Happy! And he brought back the birthday shoes I ordered online (divinely loud colours!), plus a cap and a sweater for me and my sister each. And now my room's all messed up with his things and my things. So, he's sleeping on the couch in the living room, and I'm sleeping in my sister's room. I'll post pictures of said things soon!!!!

Funny story: my brother talked in his sleep while I was watching TV. He said something, actually smiled at nothing. Must have been female-related. Hmm.


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