Thursday, July 30, 2015

The mouth is a mirror - we must watch what we say.

I find myself lacking in so many areas of my personal development. Like still not being brave enough to stand up for myself, and especially for others.

But when I think about the person I'm becoming today, compared to whoever I was at any point of time in my past, I'm much happier with who I am now. Sure, I feel frustrated and hopeless about so many things going on today, but I'd rather know and feel the things I do now, than return to the blissfully ignorant person I was before. Change is good, when you're striving for something better. I believe that you can't go too wrong trying to be a kinder and more compassionate person, even though you're bound to make mistakes along the way.

I'd like to blog more about something that's making me feel hopeless and angry, but I gots shit to accomplish today!

I'll just leave it here, on this one thought: You're still a bigot if you stand only on the side of the minorities and the oppressed that you can relate to.

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