Sunday, October 05, 2008

this past week, i've been raving to pat and jerrald about this beautiful boy
(because they were the only unlucky ones around lol)
and i don't mean beautiful in that he's the very quintessence of masculinity
no, i mean it in the sense that he is probably prettier than any other girl in the world
i'm serious!

not that i have a crush on him or anything,
but i am in awe over his supreme prettiness, that has never existed in any guy i've seen before, that i just have to make this face known to others

without further ado, i present to you
the most beautiful boy in the universe:

his name is bill kaulitz, lead singer of tokio hotel
he's 19 this year

he wears makeup all the time, accentuating his pretty doe-eyes
and huge anime-hair

and i'm so jealous that he's prettier than me!
(and you should be, too!)

such an androgynous-looking dude
but the girls all go crazy over this one!

that's him at 13 years-old
looking as pretty as ever

possibly the prettiest, most beautiful child i've ever seen in my life
i want that face for my daughter!

and this is his identical-twin brother tom, who's hotter
but i betcha he'd be just as beautiful if he had the same hair and makeup!

that's enough pretty faces for this blog post
aren't you jealous already?


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