Wednesday, December 26, 2007

went on an outing with diana and syaz today
syaz and i were late meeting diana... sorry, beb!

exchanged gifts, and then we ate!
we did nothing untowardly today
just walked round bugis, and arab street and bras basah
my feet ache at the end of the day, but what the heck
shouldn't have worn heels- i wanna buy flats!!!
(but money no enough, unless anybody's got second-hand flats in good condition, in size 8/9 to sell to me at a cheap price... anyone? anyone at all?)

i wore my sister's $6 top from hong kong before i realised it was falling apart at the seams quite literally
such bad quality sewing, but what do you expect at $6?

anyways, tomorrow i'll be sleeping at my cousins' place till sunday/ monday

maybe i'll be able to finish my homework there
maybe? what maybe?
of course i won't
and to add to that, i'll be missing arsenal's game against everton

and to add to that, my father's discontinuing our contract with scv
so no more arsenal!!!!
*bawls* *howls* *climbs up the building and threatens to jump off it*
no, not my arsenal! not my beloved arsenal!
arsenal is my life!!!!! :'((

i'll have to persuade him to do otherwise
i have to!
he's taking away my life....


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