Sunday, May 17, 2009

Andy, You're A Star.

I got into NTU Socie! I got the letter yesterday, barely a week after the interview, but for some reason I'm not exactly jumping in my boots. I'm happy, don't get me wrong, just not very excited. I suppose there'll be a whole lot of essays coming my way again. Oh well, at least I'll be coursemates with Pat! Haha. Now, if only NUS will send me a letter - any letter, be it rejection or acceptance - soon. I need closure!

Another day at work tomorrow. Gosh. So not looking forward to it. One thing I am looking forward to, though, is flying off!!!!! Yayy!!!! Only 5 weeks of work left, working towards my goal. Would you believe I have a countdown to end-of-work? I cross out every day that I go through, just to make me feel happier that I'm working towards the end. How sad is that?


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