Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Yesterday, I realised something: I am so not ready for school! The freshmen welcome ceremony was held yesterday, so i got to see who my classmates were. They all look way more prepared than I am, a lot more serious and nicely dressed (of course I wasn't). Pat looked great too, but as we were laughing and talking in the LT, we turned to look at everone else, and nobody looked like they were having fun. It was daunting. HELP!

Anyways, I must be one of the greatest procastrinators of all time! I haven't blogged about, nor posted any pictures of, my trips to Sri Lanka and Australia. I was going to do it last week (really, I was!), but with the funeral and all... Haven't been in the mood.

So let's just take this slowly, and start with my cousin's wedding nearly two (two!) months ago. 6th June, I think, and I remember because it was the day of Singapore Idol auditions!

As you can clearly see, I have a lot of pictures, so I lumped a few pics together.

My brother was Mr Popular on that day, since he's the only male cousin who isn't still in in secondary school or lower.

Extended family! (minus a few)

These pictures were taken the next day, at the reception held by the groom's parents.

After the wedding, we headed back to my grandma's house to pluck rambutans in the backyard.

And then we had dinner.

The End.

So that was the wedding series. Coming up, the Sri Lankan series!

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